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Étiqueté : surveillance


[Japon] Glitches and design flaws limit value of Japan’s COVID-19 tracing app

Digital contact tracing is becoming increasingly crucial in Japan, where the third wave of COVID-19 infections is overwhelming contact tracers at public health centers and testing their capacity to the limits. Some of these facilities are now marshaling their contact-tracing workforce toward a tiny pool of patients deemed particularly high risk, leaving the vast majority of cases at the mercy of a state-developed tracing app known as the Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).


How a collectivistic society won the first battle against COVID-19: Vietnam and their “weapons”

COVID-19 pandemic has been happening in more than 200 countries and territories, urging application of health measures and prevention strategies all over the world. Despite limited resources and geographical proximity to Wuhan, China where coronavirus first outbroke, over the last few months, Vietnam’s low-cost model against COVID-19 has been a success with the number of infected staying under 420 cases, community infection being in control and no death due to COVID-19 recorded. The Government of Vietnam has been very timely in the pandemic prevention, issuing quick and decisive policy responses, and strictly applying health measures…

Alors qu'une grande partie du monde reste confinée, la Chine a repris le travail, levé les restrictions de circulation et commencé à ouvrir les écoles. © Greg Baker / AFP. 0

[Chine] Coronavirus : à Pékin, la vie d’après

Longtemps cloîtrés chez eux, les Pékinois ont repris le chemin du travail et des magasins. Mais sous haute surveillance. L’accès à l’espace public est conditionné à leur état de santé et leur historique de déplacement. Montrer un QR Code vert est le sésame indispensable.