[Asie] Covid-19 : Japon, Singapour, Taïwan… Ces pays d’Asie qui affrontent une nouvelle vague épidémique
Plusieurs pays de la région connaissent une recrudescence des cas de Covid-19 depuis la mi-avril.
Plusieurs pays de la région connaissent une recrudescence des cas de Covid-19 depuis la mi-avril.
– The country will also return to social distancing rules of last year, with only five people in social gatherings and 50 per cent of staff in the workplace allowed by authorities
– The government says it hopes not to institute another ‘circuit breaker’ or partial lockdown but is acting now to avoid more drastic measures later
– Passengers with iPhones travelling from Singapore to London can download the app for a more convenient check-in process at Changi Airport in March 2021
– If the pilot programme is successful, the entire digital health verification process will be integrated into the Singapore Air mobile app from mid-2021
– Wedding guests socially distanced, donned masks, did temperature checks and registered with contact tracing app Trace Together
– Instead of a cocktail party, DJ, photo booth and traditional Chinese wedding banquet, the reception was more subdued – but still special
Singapore has admitted data from its Covid contact tracing programme can also be accessed by police, reversing earlier privacy assurances.
– The technology, deployed as both a phone app and a physical device, is being used by nearly 80 per cent of the 5.7 million population
– Privacy concerns have been raised about such apps in various places, including Israel and South Korea.
– The city state says 70 per cent of its population is using the app, touting it as possibly the ‘world’s most successful’ digital contact-tracing programme
– The likes of Japan and Hong Kong have struggled with similar ventures, with privacy concerns among the main issues cited
– Singapore hopes to vaccinate entire population by second half of the year, with the prime minister among earliest recipients to ‘show it’s safe’
– The city state is also to ease its coronavirus restrictions from December 28, allowing gatherings of up to eight people
– From December 14, visitors entering Singapore with a travel history to Hong Kong in the last 14 days must serve a two-week quarantine in dedicated facilities
– The health ministry said that the latest measures are needed given the increased risk of community spread in Hong Kong recently
– Breathonix said its test achieved more than 90 per cent accuracy in a pilot clinical trial of 180 people and generates results in under a minute
– Countries worldwide are looking to develop alternative tests to the polymerase chain reaction nasal swab, which is invasive and in short supply
– Event organisers will be allowed to apply for approval to host events from October 1
– Proposals will be reviewed by the Singapore Tourism Board and the Ministry of Trade and Industry
– The small machines weigh 10kg and are programmed to track anomalies such as gatherings and stream footage to the police
– They can pinpoint locations and zoom into areas that might not be visible to police officers on foot or in vehicles
– Singapore, along with Taiwan, South Korea and China, was quick to embrace technology to map the coronavirus outbreak early on with contact tracing, robots and drones
– Singapore has also started handing out Bluetooth-enabled contact tracing devices, starting with elderly people who are vulnerable to infection and may not own smartphones
La phase 2 du déconfinement dans l’île État de Singapour a débuté le 19 juin. Elle est marquée par la reprise quasi totale des activités économiques, toujours soumise à des règles de distanciation (port du masque, respect de distances de sécurité…). La liste des activités autorisées se trouve sur le site dédié au Covid-19 par le gouvernement. Les personnes résidant à Singapour qui se trouvent à l’étranger doivent impérativement obtenir l’autorisation des autorités singapouriennes avant de pouvoir revenir à Singapour. Toutes les personnes résidant à Singapour et de retour de l’étranger doivent effectuer une quarantaine à leur retour.
Alors que la France continue son déconfinement, à l’étranger certains pays qui ont déjà déconfiné assistent à une recrudescence des contaminations.