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Étiqueté : Rochelle Kopp


[Japon] A costly waiting game for inbound foreign workers

Businesses say current border restrictions are affecting their bottom lines
Fukuoka – Canadian Ken Boisjoly-Moreau and his girlfriend traveled to Japan four times over the course of two years, “fell in love” with the country and started studying Japanese. The pieces were falling into place to fulfill their goal of living in Japan when Boisjoly-Moreau was offered a job at a multinational company’s Japanese subsidiary. It was a win for his employer as well, as people with his specialty in cybersecurity are hard to find in Japan, and the company had been looking for someone to fill the position for over a year and a half.


[Japon] Re-entry ban causes foreign firms and talent to question long-term plans in Japan

It’s a call that anyone living overseas dreads receiving: Someone in your family is sick or injured, and you need to go home as soon as possible. You have permanent residency in Japan. You pay your taxes, you speak the language, you have married a Japanese national. Despite all that, if you leave the country you are at risk of not being allowed back in.