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Étiqueté : Philippines


[Philippines] Philippines Says Covid Vaccine Orders Enough to Hit 2021 Goal

The Philippines, which has the second-worst outbreak in Southeast Asia, is expecting difficulties in procuring shots in the first half, vaccine czar Carlito Galvez earlier said. The nation aims to inoculate up to 70 million adults this year under a vaccination program that underpins its efforts to recover from a record economic contraction last year.


[Philippines] Philippines Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report #70, 10 February 2021

Out of total 541,560 confirmed cases reported in the Philippines until today, 54% are male, with the most affected age group 20-29 years (26%) followed by 30-39 years (23.6%).

41% of cases reported from National Capital Region (NCR), CALABARZON (17.5%), Central Visayas (6%), and Central Luzon (6.68%). Largest increase in new cases from NCR.

Out of 11,401 confirmed deaths, 60% are male, with the most affected age group aged over 70 (34.99%) followed by 60-69 years (27.64%)

39.6% of deaths reported from NCR, followed by Central Visayas (12.9%), CALABARZON (12.9%), and Central Luzon (7.8%). Largest increase in new deaths from NCR.

Department of Health (DOH) and WHO emphasizing the need for compliance to, and proper implementation of, national guidelines at LGU level – Currently 170 laboratories using RT-PCR are accredited for COVID-19 testing, as well as 50 laboratories using GeneXpert.


[Philippines] Rumours and fear dog Philippine plan for coronavirus vaccine drive

According to one rumour circulating in the Philippines, the coronavirus vaccine will allow President Rodrigo Duterte to kill people at the push of a button.

Elsewhere in the country of 108 million, memories of a dengue vaccine that has been banned locally are putting people off the idea of immunisation even before the campaign begins.


[Philippines] Covid-19: les Philippines et leur baby-boom de confinement

En effet, on estime que 214 000 bébés non planifiés supplémentaires vont naître l’année prochaine, selon les projections de l’Institut de la population de l’Université des Philippines et du Fonds des Nations unies pour la population. Ces enfants naîtront dans des hôpitaux déjà débordés par 1,7 million de naissances par an, principalement dans des familles qui ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts.

China has imposed a new ban on visitors from Britain, Belgium and the Philippines. © Reuters 0

[Chine] La Chine suspend l’arrivée des voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni, à l’exception des ressortissants chinois

Selon une annonce faite jeudi le 3 novembre par l’ambassade et les consulats chinois au Royaume-Uni, la Chine a déclaré qu’elle suspendait temporairement, en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, l’entrée des ressortissants britanniques sur son territoire, même si ces derniers sont détenteurs de visas ou de permis de séjours en Chine.