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Étiqueté : marché agricole

Figure 1. Identification of the possible source of infection and analysis of viral genomes obtained in the outbreak © The Author(s) 0

Cold-chain food contamination as the possible origin of Covid-19 resurgence in Beijing

Covid-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, has been contained in China through stringent non-pharmaceutical interventions. The border control and quarantine have effectively prevented the virus spread by infected travellers, but the risk of resurgence caused by other routes of introduction and transmission remains unclear, and current strategies to prevent resurgence could be flawed. Since July, SARS-CoV-2 RNA contaminations in frozen food imported from countries with ongoing epidemics have been reported in nine provinces in China. However, there is no robust evidence of Covid-19 outbreaks initiated by environment-to-human transmission. Here we add to evidence of such transmission by investigating the recent Covid-19 resurgence in Beijing.

© Xinhua/Peng Ziyang 0

[Chine] Réouverture du marché de gros de Xinfadi à Beijing face au recul de l’épidémie de COVID-19

BEIJING, 15 août (Xinhua) — Une flotte de camions chargés de fruits et légumes frais a annoncé samedi matin la réouverture de Xinfadi, un grand marché de gros de fruits, légumes et viande, après que ses activités ont été suspendues en raison d’un foyer de COVID-19 apparu sur le marché il y a environ deux mois.

Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak. © Han Huang / SCMP 0

[Chine] Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak

Just when China’s capital was thought to be coronavirus-free, a second wave of infections has been traced to a wholesale market in Beijing. Here’s what happened.

Scientists collect samples at the Xinfadi wholesale market. /The Beijing News 0

[Chine] China releases gene sequence data of Beijing COVID-19 strain

China released the gene sequence data of the COVID-19 virus from Beijing’s Xinfadi market infection cluster on Thursday, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Chinese CDC also submitted the genome sequencing data for the virus to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Capture d'écran du reportage " Coronavirus : le saumon, victime collatérale de la crise en Chine". © Le 0

[Chine] Pas de preuve d’une transmission par les aliments (expert)

BEIJING, 19 juin (Xinhua) — Aucune preuve n’a été découverte concernant la transmission du nouveau coronavirus par l’ingestion d’aliments, dont les fruits de mer, a indiqué vendredi un épidémiologiste chinois, en réponse aux préoccupations du public concernant la sécurité des produits frais.