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Étiqueté : Etats-Unis


Échanges diplomatiques à l’heure de la pandémie

La dissimulation, dans un premier temps, de la gravité du nouveau coronavirus SARS Cov-2 par la Chine a suscité de nombreuses interrogations dans les médias asiatiques et occidentaux. Sur fond de guerre commerciale, depuis le mois de février 2020, les États-Unis et la Chine s’accusent mutuellement d’être à l’origine de la propagation du virus pendant que l’Australie demande une enquête indépendante.


COVID-19 and Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula

The Stimson Center’s East Asia Program organized a private virtual dialogue among experts from the U.S., Europe, China, and South Korea on developments on the Korean peninsula and the impact of COVID-19 on peace and security. The diverse perspectives contributed by the experts culminated in four key takeaways. These takeaways have direct implications for the current state of denuclearization and the effects of globally disruptive events on the future of the Korean Peninsula.


Questions sur l’origine du coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

Régulièrement, la presse fait état de questionnements légitimes sur l’origine du coronavirus. Ces questionnements abreuvent les réseaux sociaux de brèves entre théories improbables et provocations délibérées.
Nous proposons ci-après une sélection d’articles répercutant ces débats qui secouent aussi les administrations gouvernementales en charge de la gestion de la pandémie, qui provoquent d’intenses débats dans le monde médical et qui crispent les diplomaties.


[Chine] Le monde d’après (4) : un moment chinois, vraiment ?

Le prestige et l’autorité de la Chine dans le monde atteignent un nouveau sommet. Symétriquement à la dévalorisation du leadership des États-Unis et à leur retrait d’un grand nombre de théâtres, la Chine avance ses pions partout à la fois. Mais le “modèle chinois” peut-il durablement convaincre ?


Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period

Abstract. It is urgent to understand the future of severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission. We used estimates of seasonality, immunity, and cross-immunity for betacoronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 from time series data from the USA to inform a model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. We projected that recurrent wintertime outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 will probably occur after the initial, most severe pandemic wave. Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022. Additional interventions, including expanded critical care capacity and an effective therapeutic, would improve the success of intermittent distancing and hasten the acquisition of herd immunity. Longitudinal serological studies are urgently needed to determine the extent and duration of immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024.


There are THREE distinct strains of the novel coronavirus in the world and while China’s epidemic was driven by an early mutation that quickly spread in the UK, the US is suffering from an original variation

Three types of the deadly coronavirus are spreading around the world – and the US is being rocked by the original strain from China. Cambridge University researchers mapped the genetic history of the infection from December to March and found three distinct, but closely related, variants.


China’s ‘Coronavirus Diplomacy’ – an Assessment

This Background Brief considers six issues: after containing the coronavirus can China convince the world to accept its leadership? What enabled China to change the coronavirus narrative? What are the world’s perceptions of U.S. and Chinese leadership? Has the U.S. lost is position in the South China Sea? How will the coronavirus impact on Vietnam’s relations with China and the United States? How has China’s credibility been affected by its donation of substandard medical equipment?


Is China Using COVID-19 Pandemic to Advance Interests in the South China Sea

This Background Brief considers seven issues: why did China Coast Guard ram and sink Vietnamese fishing boat, relationship between COVID-19 and South China Sea disputes, will China act when others are distracted, are China’s actions aimed at domestic public opinion, boat sinking and telephone conference between government leaders, USS Theodore Roosevelt and COVID-19, and US response.