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Étiqueté : emplois

Des livreurs se reposent sur leurs scooters électriques en attendant des commandes à l’extérieur d’un restaurant à Pékin, le 26 avril 2021. © Greg Baker/AFP 0

Pandémie en Chine : quelles conséquences pour l’emploi ?

Premier pays touché par l’épidémie de Covid-19, la Chine a pris des mesures de confinement sans précédent qui ont entraîné un repli historique de sa croissance d’au moins 6 % au premier trimestre 2020. L’amélioration progressive des conditions sanitaires à partir du printemps a toutefois permis un rapide rebond. Au total, en 2020, la croissance aurait été de 2,3 % – certes le taux le plus bas depuis 40 ans, mais une remarquable performance en comparaison de celles des autres grandes économies mondiales, toutes en récession.


[Japon] Virus wrecks once-in-a-lifetime job chance for Japan’s new grads

The nation’s college graduates get one shot at their dream job. That’s it. And this year, they might not even get that.

Now, with companies cutting back on hiring plans for 2021, soon-to-be college graduates worry they’re missing their chance. There are 122,000 fewer openings anticipated this year compared to last, bringing the jobs-per-applicant ratio to its lowest since 2014.


[Japon] Women bear brunt of Japan’s pandemic job losses

Hotel, food service and retail sectors cut back as people stay home
TOKYO — Massive job cuts caused by the coronavirus pandemic are concentrated on sectors that tend to employ many women, a trend that highlights a lopsided economic impact both at home and abroad.


[Myanmar] COVID-19 Impact on Employment and Labour Market in Myanmar

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the livelihoods of workers and families in countries around the world. In Myanmar, the pandemic could ultimately lead to a socioeconomic crisis if the right policies and plans are not well designed and implemented. The COVID-19 Impact Assessment on Employment and Labour Market in Myanmar presents the findings to help guide the Government of Myanmar and the social partners in their unrelenting efforts to support affected businesses and vulnerable workers.