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Étiqueté : distanciation sociale

Personnel in protective gear usher a group of migrant workers onto a bus to a government quarantine facility after they tested positive for Covid-19 at Westlite Woodlands dormitory in Singapore. © Reuters 0

[Singapour] Singapore imposes 21-day quarantine on most travellers, closes gyms to manage flare-up in Covid-19 cases

– The country will also return to social distancing rules of last year, with only five people in social gatherings and 50 per cent of staff in the workplace allowed by authorities

– The government says it hopes not to institute another ‘circuit breaker’ or partial lockdown but is acting now to avoid more drastic measures later

A newly-wedded couple poses for their photographer against the Rain Vortex at Changi Jewel in Singapore in December, 2020. © AFP 0

[Singapour] How to organise a wedding during Covid-19 in Singapore: amid lockdowns and travel bans, this couple had a downsized wedding reception at the Singapore Island Country Club

– Wedding guests socially distanced, donned masks, did temperature checks and registered with contact tracing app Trace Together

– Instead of a cocktail party, DJ, photo booth and traditional Chinese wedding banquet, the reception was more subdued – but still special

Hong Kong public health experts have suggested that ongoing social-distancing measures may be more effective in quelling the city’s third wave of Covid-19 infections than difficult citywide testing. Photo: Edmond So 0

[Hong Kong] Hong Kong third wave: universal Covid-19 testing tougher than it sounds, say health experts, who urge targeted screenings, continued social distancing

– While mainland help has raised testing capacity significantly, a full multi-day lockdown would be required in order to test all city residents effectively

– ‘If you don’t have a good plan for testing, then a lot of the tests will waste resources,’ pandemic adviser says

Si plus de 80 % des gens portent un masque dans les lieux publics clos, maintiennent une distance physique suffisante et se lavent fréquemment les mains, alors Taiwan restera sûr en matière de Covid-19, a déclaré le 1er août le ministre de la Santé, Chen Shih-chung. © CNA 0

[Taiwan] Covid-19 : les autorités sanitaires de Taiwan rappellent à la population de porter le masque dans les lieux publics clos

Alors que Taiwan a enregistré en une semaine 17 nouveaux cas de Covid-19, dont 16 cas importés et un cas à la provenance encore incertaine, le ministre de la Santé et des Affaires sociales, Chen Shih-chung [陳時中], a une nouvelle fois conseillé à la population le port du masque dans les lieux publics clos.

An internet show host poses in the swimming pool on the Explorer Dream cruise ship in Keelung, Taiwan, Cruise sailings have resumed, but with capacity reduced by two-thirds, no buffet service, and the on-board spa and casino closed. © Reuters 0

[Taiwan] No casino, spa or buffet, but cruises resume in Taiwan – with social distancing, and Covid-19 isolation wards at the ready

– Gambling and pampering are out, as are buffets, and social distancing from fellow passengers is required, but the Explorer Dream is sailing again in Taiwan

– ‘I don’t worry about the epidemic too much, because I think it is pretty safe in Taiwan,’ says voyager on first island-hopping cruise from the port of Keelung


[Singapour] Coronavirus : Depuis le 19 juin, la phase 2 du déconfinement est amorcée

La phase 2 du déconfinement dans l’île État de Singapour a débuté le 19 juin. Elle est marquée par la reprise quasi totale des activités économiques, toujours soumise à des règles de distanciation (port du masque, respect de distances de sécurité…). La liste des activités autorisées se trouve sur le site dédié au Covid-19 par le gouvernement. Les personnes résidant à Singapour qui se trouvent à l’étranger doivent impérativement obtenir l’autorisation des autorités singapouriennes avant de pouvoir revenir à Singapour. Toutes les personnes résidant à Singapour et de retour de l’étranger doivent effectuer une quarantaine à leur retour.