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Étiqueté : application


[Japon] Glitches and design flaws limit value of Japan’s COVID-19 tracing app

Digital contact tracing is becoming increasingly crucial in Japan, where the third wave of COVID-19 infections is overwhelming contact tracers at public health centers and testing their capacity to the limits. Some of these facilities are now marshaling their contact-tracing workforce toward a tiny pool of patients deemed particularly high risk, leaving the vast majority of cases at the mercy of a state-developed tracing app known as the Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).


[Viêt Nam] Le post-COVID-19 au Vietnam : la vérité est toujours gagnante

La pandémie de COVID-19 a changé nos vies à jamais. Chaque individu doit s’adapter à la “nouvelle normalité”. À côté de fluctuations macroéconomiques et politiques, la vie sociale et culturelle a connu de nombreux changements notamment dans le comportement des Vietnamiens face aux nouvelles et informations, en particulier les fake news (fausses nouvelles).