[Chine] Le président chinois promet à l’Afrique un milliard de doses anti-Covid
Pékin a également annoncé des dizaines de projets dans les domaines de la santé, du numérique et de la sécurité, ainsi qu’une annulation de dette.
Pékin a également annoncé des dizaines de projets dans les domaines de la santé, du numérique et de la sécurité, ainsi qu’une annulation de dette.
– Health officials say all countries with reported infections of the new variant will be moved to highest-risk tier for entry
– Government pandemic adviser says border reopening plan should remain safe if new variants caught before entering city, though others fear strategy may worry Beijing
Japan will close its borders to new entries by foreigners amid concern over the new Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Monday as he vowed to move quickly to “avoid the worst-case scenario.”
– Residents of China’s capital generally support the authorities’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic while harbouring dreams of overseas travel
– A teaching assistant wants to see penguins in Antarctica, a housewife hopes to resume trips in Asia, an entrepreneur dreams of a Greek holiday with his partner
– Many patients found to suffer sleep issues, shortness of breath, fatigue and joint pain almost a year after infection, despite never having serious symptoms
– Persistent symptoms in recovered Covid-19 patients have become a global public health concern
Par crainte du Covid, l’Archipel limite les séjours des étrangers. Un secteur en plein essor se retrouve fragilisé.
– Chinese mothers gave birth to just 12 million babies last year, down from 14.65 million in 2019, as the overall population grew to just 1.412 billion in 2020
– Researchers at Renmin University found the coronavirus particularly dampened the willingness of women under 30 to give birth last year
– Chinese authorities have a zero-tolerance strategy on Covid-19, with isolation periods of four weeks in some places
– Rules vary abroad, with some countries allowing vaccinated people to skip quarantine
Pour le virologue Michael Worobey, le statut de premier cas connu de Covid-19 revient à une vendeuse du marché aux animaux de Wuhan, ce qui appuie l’hypothèse d’une origine animale du virus.
Le pays a l’un des meilleurs taux de vaccination de la planète. Il ne détecte plus que 150 cas positifs au Covid par jour. Et pourtant, il refuse toujours de laisser entrer des touristes, des étudiants ou des voyageurs d’affaires.
La multiplication des mises en quarantaine de villes entières n’empêche pas l’apparition de foyers épidémiques, à quelques mois des jeux olympiques d’hiver. Un virologue a même osé critiquer dans les médias la politique de vaccination gouvernementale.
Due to the substantial paperwork required by authorities and a daily cap on arrivals, some foreign students are losing hope.
– All visitors must show a negative Covid-19 test result from the past 48 hours, while flights to the city have been cancelled or limited
– Case numbers in China remain lower than in most countries, with eight domestic infections recorded on Tuesday
Japan will not need to reimpose restrictions on food establishments and public events — even during a state of emergency — thanks to a so-called vaccine-test package, the central government’s coronavirus subcommittee announced in a set of proposals Tuesday morning.
Un séminaire pour analyser la responsabilité sociale du peuple dans la réponse et la lutte contre la pandémie de COVID-19 au Vietnam a eu lieu le 15 novembre.