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Archive du mois : septembre 2021

capture d'écran du reportage "mall businesses in China's Xian still struggling a year after controlling Covid-19 pandemic". @ SCMP 0

[Chine] Small businesses in China’s Xian still struggling a year after controlling Covid-19 pandemic

One year since Covid-19 infections were brought under control in China, small businesses in the northwestern Chinese province of Shaanxi have been struggling to recover because of continuing weak consumption. The Post talked to several small business owners in the capital Xian, where hopes are high that the upcoming National Games, to be held there in September, will help restore spending in the city.

Overall vaccination of 12-17 year-olds is progressing well, according to a senior public health official. @ Zuma 0

[Chine] Un responsable chinois appelle à faire confiance aux vaccins contre la COVID-19 et à accélérer la vaccination

BEIJING, 7 septembre (Xinhua) — Les données de recherche et les faits sur le terrain indiquent que l’utilisation en Chine et à l’étranger des vaccins est efficace pour le contrôle et la prévention de la COVID-19, a indiqué mardi un responsable chinois, appelant la population à conserver sa confiance dans les vaccins et à se faire vacciner le plus tôt possible.