[Chine] EU regulator starts review of China’s Sinovac vaccine
The EMA did not provide a time frame for its final decision, but it said the process should ‘take less time than normal’
The EMA did not provide a time frame for its final decision, but it said the process should ‘take less time than normal’
Le ministère de la Santé a décidé d’appliquer la mise en quarantaine de l’Hôpital central des maladies tropicales de Kim Chung, district de Dông Anh, à Hanoi à partir du 8H00 du 5 mai.
Le Comité de pilotage national sur la prévention et le contrôle du COVID-19 a exigé le 5 mai la mise en œuvre stricte de la réglementation sur la quarantaine centralisée.
– One travel industry analyst said there would be an ‘explosive’ increase in demand, possibly exceeding pre-pandemic levels
– While the authorities tried to discourage travel over Lunar New Year, there are no such concerns over the current five-day holiday
Japan, which is still planning to host the Tokyo Olympics this July, finds itself in a truly awkward position — trailing Colombia, Latvia and Turkey in the global vaccination race.