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Auteur : IAOst


[Brunei] Suspension on cross-border activities extended

With the consent of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, and in reference to the press release issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on January 25, the PMO informed the public that the temporary suspension on entry of foreign nationals from Malaysia – including transits through Brunei Darussalam via land and sea ports – is extended by 14 days until February 24.


[Philippines] Philippines Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report #70, 10 February 2021

Out of total 541,560 confirmed cases reported in the Philippines until today, 54% are male, with the most affected age group 20-29 years (26%) followed by 30-39 years (23.6%).

41% of cases reported from National Capital Region (NCR), CALABARZON (17.5%), Central Visayas (6%), and Central Luzon (6.68%). Largest increase in new cases from NCR.

Out of 11,401 confirmed deaths, 60% are male, with the most affected age group aged over 70 (34.99%) followed by 60-69 years (27.64%)

39.6% of deaths reported from NCR, followed by Central Visayas (12.9%), CALABARZON (12.9%), and Central Luzon (7.8%). Largest increase in new deaths from NCR.

Department of Health (DOH) and WHO emphasizing the need for compliance to, and proper implementation of, national guidelines at LGU level – Currently 170 laboratories using RT-PCR are accredited for COVID-19 testing, as well as 50 laboratories using GeneXpert.


[Laos / Chine] Les vaccins anti-COVID-19 offerts par la Chine remis au Laos lors d’une cérémonie officielle

Jiang Zaidong, ambassadeur de Chine au Laos, a officiellement remis les vaccins à Phankham Viphavanh, membre du Bureau politique du Comité central du Parti révolutionnaire populaire lao et vice-président du Laos. Le lot de vaccins anti-COVID-19 Sinopharm transporté par un avion-cargo chinois YTO Express est arrivé lundi matin à Vientiane, la capitale laotienne.


[Myanmar] Medics in Myanmar on strike against military amid COVID-19 crisis

Front-line healthcare workers from more than 70 medical units and hospitals across the country announced a strike on Wednesday, refusing to work for the military regime. The developments raise fresh concerns about Myanmar’s coronavirus response and vaccination programme, which began on January 27, days before the coup.


[Brunei] Brunei announces guidelines for Chinese New Year celebrations amid COVID-19

According to Brunei’s Ministry of Health, the Chinese New Year can be celebrated in the country with family members only by holding private events. Those with large families are permitted to have private events at banquet halls in hotels or restaurants, provided that Mass Gathering guidelines are adhered to, including the provision of hand sanitizers and conducting temperature checks at the premises. If the number of family members is huge, the celebrations’ attendance should be limited to a maximum of 350 people.


[Myanmar] COVID-19 Impact – Time for Myanmar to accelerate education reforms

While the health care sector has been on the forefront in managing the pandemic, the education sector is yet to come to terms of overcoming the disruptions in the learning opportunities of for children. The Global Education Monitor (GEM) Report 2020, released by the UNESCO points out that ‘over half of the world’s student population still affected by full or partial school closures’. It estimates that on average 100 school days have been lost by each student globally during the last academic year. While Myanmar’s children too faced similar disruptions and it is also opportunity to accelerate reforms that would ensure inclusive education, meeting the aspirations of all sections of population.


[Philippines] Rumours and fear dog Philippine plan for coronavirus vaccine drive

According to one rumour circulating in the Philippines, the coronavirus vaccine will allow President Rodrigo Duterte to kill people at the push of a button.

Elsewhere in the country of 108 million, memories of a dengue vaccine that has been banned locally are putting people off the idea of immunisation even before the campaign begins.