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Auteur : IAOdocJ


[Japon] Japan to tighten borders for travelers from China on Dec. 30

Japan will tighten its border controls for travelers from China on Friday, as the latter nation is seeing a surge in COVID-19 infections, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday. The announcement, which marks the first time Japan has tightened its borders since foreign tourists were allowed to enter without restrictions in October, pours cold water on expectations of an influx of Chinese tourists over the Chinese New Year period, which begins Jan. 22.


[Japon] Japan reopens to individual foreign tourists, lifts arrival cap

Individual foreign tourists could finally enter Japan with few restrictions on Oct. 11, when the government lifted most of its remaining COVID-19 border controls. Gone is the unpopular requirement that tourists must travel on package tours to be allowed into Japan. The government also removed its cap on daily arrivals and resumed visa-free entry for short-term travelers from visa-exempt countries or regions.


[Japon] Le Japon rouvrira ses frontières au tourisme de masse à la mi-octobre

Fermé aux voyageurs d’agrément depuis deux ans et demi, le pays va de nouveau accepter les touristes individuels étrangers à compter du 11 octobre. Il va supprimer les quotas, qui limitaient les arrivées, et rétablir les exemptions de visa qu’il offrait avant la pandémie aux ressortissants de dizaines de nations, dont la France.


[Japon] Bodies stacking up at mortuaries as COVID-19 deaths surge

In mid-August, a cold storage facility in a mortuary at a funeral home in Tokyo area was filled with nine bodies, the maximum capacity. All the boards with the names of the deceased had the word “COVID,” as they were confirmed to have been infected with the novel coronavirus.