[Japon] Japan to extend COVID-19 state of emergency to June 20: official
Auteur : rédaction de Kyodo News
Production : Kyodo News / 共同通信社, agence de presse au Japon depuis 1945.
Diffusion : site de Kyodo News Plus (en anglais).
Date : 27 mai 2021
The Japanese government plans to extend the COVID-19 state of emergency set to expire at the end of May in Tokyo and eight prefectures to June 20, a senior official said Thursday.
Source : « Japan to extend COVID-19 state of emergency to June 20: official », Kyodo news, 27/05/2021. URL : https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/05/9d5bfdda3b4c-breaking-news-japan-to-extend-virus-emergency-to-june-20-in-tokyo-8-prefectures.html (consulté le 27/05/2021)
Voir également :
Nikkei staff writers, « Japan to extend COVID emergency through June 20 – Pending move reflects virulence of new variants and strain on hospitals », Nikkei Asia, 27/05/2021. URL : https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/Japan-to-extend-COVID-emergency-through-June-20 (consulté le 27/05/2021)
Photo « à la une » : Tokyo’s state of emergency could be extended until June 20, along with other prefectures, as Japan’s hospitals remain stressed. © Nikkei Asia
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
IAOdocJ (27 mai 2021). [Japon] Japan to extend COVID-19 state of emergency to June 20: official. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n84n