[Japon] Why is Japan failing so badly on vaccinations?
Auteur : William Pesek, Tokyo-based writer and author of “Japanization: What the World Can Learn from Japan’s Lost Decades.”
Production : The Washington Post, journal américain de la capitale des Etats-Unis. Le journal se rapproche du centre droit mais la ligne éditoriale reste centriste.
Diffusion : site du journal The Washington Post
Date : 4 mai 2021
Japan, which is still planning to host the Tokyo Olympics this July, finds itself in a truly awkward position — trailing Colombia, Latvia and Turkey in the global vaccination race.
Source : William Pesek, « Opinion: Why is Japan failing so badly on vaccinations? », The Washington Post, 04/05/2021. URL : https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/04/why-is-japan-failing-so-badly-vaccinations/ (consulté le 05/05/2021)
Photo “à la une” : A nurse receives the first dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine at Fujita Health University Hospital in Toyoake, Aichi prefecture, central Japan, on March 8. (Kyodo News via AP)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
IAOdocJ (5 mai 2021). [Japon] Why is Japan failing so badly on vaccinations? Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n82y