[Japon] With 1.1% of people vaccinated, Japan lags behind the developed world
Auteurs : Bruce Einhorn and Lisa Du, Bloomberg News
Production : Bloomberg News est une agence de presse américaine du groupe Bloomberg LP, spécialisée dans l’économie et la finance.
Diffusion : site de The Japan Times
Date : 28 avril 2021
In the race to vaccinate citizens against COVID-19, Japan should be a front-runner. It has nearly universal health care coverage and pharmaceutical prowess, not to mention a pending national election, a large aged population and the looming Olympics to motivate political leaders to move fast.
Source : Bruce Einhorn and Lisa Du, « With 1.1% of people vaccinated, Japan lags behind the developed world », The Japan Times, 28/04/2021. URL : https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/28/national/japan-coronavirus-vaccinations-lag/ (consulté le 28/04/2021)
Photo « à la une » : BC-With-11%-of-People-Vaccinated-Japan-Lags-the-Developed-World , Bruce Einhorn and Lisa Du © BLOOMBERG
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IAOdocJ (28 avril 2021). [Japon] With 1.1% of people vaccinated, Japan lags behind the developed world. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n82m