[Myanmar] Pandemic upends family life for Yangon’s emergency health workers
Auteur : Kyaw Lin Htoon
Production : Myanmar Now is a news agency based in Myanmar (Burma).
Diffusion : site de Myanmar Now.
Date : 29 avril 2020
Facing high infection risk, many have moved to temporary dwellings to keep loved ones safe.
Many have left their homes to stay in government-provided apartments, and haven’t seen their partners, children and parents for weeks for fear of giving them the virus.
Emergency staff have little choice but to show up to work without knowing who might be carrying the invisible virus, but knowing their work puts them at an exceptionally high risk of infection.
Source : Kyaw Lin Htoon, « Pandemic upends family life for Yangon’s emergency health workers », Myanmar Now, 29/04/2020. URL : https://www.myanmar-now.org/en/news/pandemic-upends-family-life-for-yangons-emergency-health-workers (consulté le 23/02/2021).
Photo « à la une » : Emergency doctors at Yangon General Hospital receive a patient on April 8. © Tin Htet Paing/ Myanmar Now
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IAOst (29 avril 2020). [Myanmar] Pandemic upends family life for Yangon’s emergency health workers. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n757