COVID-19 in South Asia’s power politics
Auteur : Riaz A. Khokhar. Researcher at Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS).
Production : 9dashline. The 9DASHLINE platform aims to help shape the future Indo-Pacific narrative through original comment and opinion features. It provides opportunities for new voices to sit alongside seasoned commentators keen to explore issues affecting the worlds most dynamic region. Its readership is made up of professionals from the world(s) of security, business and academia.
Diffusion : site de 9dachline.
Date : 13 avril 2020.
The management of COVID-19 reveals which countries are taking the lead in geopolitics in South Asia. On March 12, 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries a strategy to deal with the Coronavirus challenge through a video conference. It was a move that surpised many regional commentators and analysts.
Source : Riaz A. Khokhar, “COVID-19 in South Asia’s power politics”, 9dashline, 13/04/2020. URL : (consulté le 18/04/2020).
Photo “à la une” : President Addresses the 18th SAARC Summit © Mahinda Rajapaksa/Flickr
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