[Chine] Coronavirus in China: residents of five Beijing neighbourhoods told to stay home
Auteur : Ji Siqi, journaliste du journal South China Morning Post
Production : South China Morning Post, quotidien de langue anglaise publié à Hong Kong depuis 1903. Sa diffusion s’élève à 104 000 exemplaires. Il est publié par le groupe SCMP, propriété de du groupe Alibaba depuis 2015.
Diffusion : site du journal South China Morning Post
Date et Heure : 20 janvier 2021, 20:30
– Affected communities are all in Daxing district, which is home to the city’s second airport and where China’s first infections involving the B117 variant were reported last week
– All 1.7 million residents of Daxing have been told they cannot leave the city without official permission and a negative test result
Source : Ji Siqi, “Coronavirus in China: residents of five Beijing neighbourhoods told to stay home”, South China Morning Post, 20/01/2021. URL : https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3118538/coronavirus-china-residents-five-beijing-neighbourhoods-told (consulté le 20/12/2021).
Photo “à la une” : School children across Beijing’s Daxing district have been told to stay at home after a spike in local infections. © Xinhua
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Admin IAO (20 janvier 2021). [Chine] Coronavirus in China: residents of five Beijing neighbourhoods told to stay home. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n7we