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Strengthening public health at the community-level in China

Auteurs : Zhongjie Li, George F Gao

Production : Revue The Lancet

Diffusion : le site de la revue The Lancet

Date : 1 décembre 2020

An unprecedented pandemic, COVID-19 is currently hitting the world. After the initial outbreak in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province, COVID-19 is under control in China, with a few small waves caused by imported cases, of which have been stopped in China in 2–4 weeks, with between several cases and hundreds of cases per wave. We have seen clear peak–valley intervals with these small waves. It is crucial to understand why and how China has reached such success because it might help other countries. For COVID-19, we believe that active case finding at the community-level has been the key for China’s achievement. Since the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), health-care reform in China has been focused squarely on community-level capacity building, which compares with countries where community surveillance systems are not ideal.

Source : Zhongjie Li, George F Gao, “Strengthening public health at the community-level in China”, The Lancet, 01/12/2020. DOI: (consulté le 15/12/2020).

Photo “à la une” : The Xinfadi market covers 112 hectares in Beijing’s Fengtai district. © AFP

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Admin IAO (1 décembre 2020). Strengthening public health at the community-level in China. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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