[Japon] Japan travel industry faces stark holiday season
Auteur : Hisashi Tsutsui, Nikkei staff writer
Production : Nikkei
Diffusion : site de Nikkei Asia
Date : 15 décembre 2020
Suspension of Go To Travel program elicits shock and resignation
The Japanese government’s announcement that it will suspend the Go To Travel domestic tourism campaign over rising COVID- 19 cases has elicited surprise and resignation from a travel industry preparing for the busy New Year’s period.
Source : Hisashi Tsutsui, « Japan travel industry faces stark holiday season », Nikkei Asian Review, 15/12/2020. URL : https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Travel-Leisure/Japan-travel-industry-faces-stark-holiday-season (consulté le 15/12/2020)
Photo « à la une » : Kimono-clad tourists wearing protective face masks are seen at a temple in Tokyo. The Japanese government’s Go To Travel campaign has been suspended for the New Year’s holidays, from Dec. 28 to Jan.11. © Reuters
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IAOdocJ (15 décembre 2020). [Japon] Japan travel industry faces stark holiday season. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n7t0