[Japon] The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19: Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Lien vers la présentation du rapport: 「新型コロナ対応・民間臨時調査会」(コロナ民間臨調) “The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19”, established by Tokyo-based think tank “Asia Pacific Initiative (API)”, has led an investigation into the Japanese government’s response to COVID-19. A book containing the investigation’s results, “The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19: Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, will be published in Japanese by Discover 21 on October 18 (Electronic Book) and October 23 (Paper Book). API is currently working to translate the report into English for global publication.
A lire :
AKANE OKUTSU, Nikkei staff writer, « COVID exposes Japan’s weakness in digitization: experts – In a report, government staff acknowledge impromptu policies ‘turned out all right’ », Nikkei Asia, 08/10/2020. URL : https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/COVID-exposes-Japan-s-weakness-in-digitization-experts (consulté le 11/10/2020)
The Asahi Shimbun, « Report: Japan’s handling of COVID-19 crisis was ‘haphazard’ », The Asahi Shimbun, 09/10/2020. URL : http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13802458 (consulté le 11/10/2020)
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IAOdocJ (9 octobre 2020). [Japon] The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19: Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n7p3