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[Thaïlande] Thailand’s health industries are improving care to safeguard the human foundations of the economy

Auteur : rédaction de The Nation.

Production : The Nation. Quotidien d’information de langue anglaise fondé en 1971 et publié à Bangkok.

Diffusion : site de The Nation.

Date : 10 avril 2020

The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of robust health systems and medical supply chains in responding to crises. At the same time, the drastic effects it is likely to have on the global economy show how investment in health care and medical technology is vital to protecting the human resources that power businesses.

Source : “Thailand’s health industries are improving care to safeguard the human foundations of the economy”, The Nation, 10/04/2020. URL : (consulté le 14/04/2020).

Illustration : © The Nation

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indomemoires (10 avril 2020). [Thaïlande] Thailand’s health industries are improving care to safeguard the human foundations of the economy. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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