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[Japon] Japan survivors of COVID-19 say they face stigma, have ‘aftereffects’

Auteurs : Yuri Imamura. Staff Writer de The Asahi Shimbun.

Production : The Asahi Shimbun

Diffusion : site anglais de Asahi shimbun, The Asahi Shimbun Asia&Japan Watch

Date : 19 août 2020

More than 50,000 people in Japan have tested positive for COVID-19 to date. Many have recovered, but others have lingering symptoms and face social stigma several months after being given the all-clear.

Source : Yuri Imamura, « Japan survivors of COVID-19 say they face stigma, have ‘aftereffects’ », The Asahi Shimbun, 19/08/2020. URL : (consulté le 19/08/2020)

Version japonaise : 今村優莉, « 元コロナ患者、退院後も苦しむ », 朝日新聞デジタル, 19/08/2020. URL : (consulté le 19/08/2020)

Photo « à la une » : A woman who shared a room for COVID-19 patients with a reporter at a hospital gives the writer some mint she harvested from her kitchen garden when they met on June 27 after they were both discharged, but neither of them could smell its scent. (Yuri Imamura)

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IAOdocJ (19 août 2020). [Japon] Japan survivors of COVID-19 say they face stigma, have ‘aftereffects’. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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