[Asie / Pacifique] What Comes After COVID-19? Political Psychology, Strategic Outcomes, and Options for the Asia-Pacific ‘Quad-Plus’
Auteur : Giuseppe Paparella.
Production : RealClearDefense (RCD). Branche de RealClearPolitics (fondé en 2000) créée à la demande du personnel du Pentagone et de Hill au sein du House Armed Services Committee. Il délivre et compile des informations sur les affaires militaires, la politique de défense, la sécurité nationale et les affaires étrangères. Appartient au RealClear Media Group (RCMG).
Diffusion : site de Real Clear Defense.
Date : 21 juillet 2020.
What can political psychology tell us about the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for the prospect of conflict in the Asia-Pacific? To date, senior analysts and commentators have provided a wide range of opinions about the likely implications of the novel coronavirus pandemic for the risk of interstate war. […]
Source : Giuseppe Paparella, “What Comes After COVID-19? Political Psychology, Strategic Outcomes, and Options for the Asia-Pacific ‘Quad-Plus'”, Real Clear Defense, 21/07/2020. URL : https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/07/21/what_comes_after_covid-19_political_psychology_strategic_outcomes_and_options_for_the_asia-pacific_quad-plus_115482.html (consulté le 19/08/2020).
Photographie “à la une” : A Chinese naval soldier overlooks a rival vessel in the South China Sea. © Asia Times
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indomemoires (21 juillet 2020). [Asie / Pacifique] What Comes After COVID-19? Political Psychology, Strategic Outcomes, and Options for the Asia-Pacific ‘Quad-Plus’ Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 10 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n7h0