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[Hong Kong] Hong Kong third wave: universal Covid-19 testing tougher than it sounds, say health experts, who urge targeted screenings, continued social distancing

Auteur : Elizabeth Cheung, journaliste de South China Morning Post à Hong Kong

Production : South China Morning Post, quotidien de langue anglaise publié à Hong Kong depuis 1903. Sa diffusion s’élève à 104 000 exemplaires. Il est publié par le groupe SCMP, propriété de du groupe Alibaba depuis 2015.

Diffusion : site du journal South China Morning Post

Date et Heure : 5 août 2020, 19:00

– While mainland help has raised testing capacity significantly, a full multi-day lockdown would be required in order to test all city residents effectively

– ‘If you don’t have a good plan for testing, then a lot of the tests will waste resources,’ pandemic adviser says

Source : Elizabeth Cheung, “Hong Kong third wave: universal Covid-19 testing tougher than it sounds, say health experts, who urge targeted screenings, continued social distancing”, South China Morning Post, 05/08/2020. URL : (consulté le 05/08/2020).

Voir également :

Lilian Cheng, “Hong Kong third wave: three labs picked to help mainland China medical team conduct mass Covid-19 testing in the city”, South China Morning Post, 04/08/2020. URL : (consulté le 05/08/2020).

Photo “à la une” : Hong Kong public health experts have suggested that ongoing social-distancing measures may be more effective in quelling the city’s third wave of Covid-19 infections than difficult citywide testing. © Edmond So

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Admin IAO (5 août 2020). [Hong Kong] Hong Kong third wave: universal Covid-19 testing tougher than it sounds, say health experts, who urge targeted screenings, continued social distancing. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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