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[Hong Kong] What started Hong Kong’s third Covid-19 wave?

Auteurs : Lea Li, Chieu Luu, Andersen Xia, Dayu Zhang, Nadeem Shad

Production : South China Morning Post, quotidien de langue anglaise publié à Hong Kong depuis 1903. Sa diffusion s’élève à 104 000 exemplaires. Il est publié par le groupe SCMP, propriété de du groupe Alibaba depuis 2015.

Diffusion : site du journal South China Morning Post

Date : 30 juillet 2020

For months, Hong Kong was seen as an example of how a community could successfully contain Covid-19. The city was quick to isolate and trace infections and implemented measures to keep the public safe, moves which kept the number of cases relatively low. But after three weeks of zero local infections, Covid-19 cases in the city started to soar and Hong Kong entered its “third wave.” So what happened to change things so suddenly?

Source : Lea Li, Chieu Luu, Andersen Xia, Dayu Zhang, Nadeem Shad, “What started Hong Kong’s third Covid-19 wave?”, South China Morning Post, 30/07/2020. URL : (consulté le 30/07/2020)

Photo “à la une” : capture d’écran du reportage “What started Hong Kong’s third Covid-19 wave?”. © SCMP

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Admin IAO (30 juillet 2020). [Hong Kong] What started Hong Kong’s third Covid-19 wave? Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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