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There are THREE distinct strains of the novel coronavirus in the world and while China’s epidemic was driven by an early mutation that quickly spread in the UK, the US is suffering from an original variation

Auteur : Joe Pinkstone. Senior science and technology reporter for Mailonline.

Production : Daily Mail. Journal britannique d’information, d’orientation conservatrice et populaire.

Diffusion : site Mail Online ( Site du Daily Mail.

Date et heure : 9 avril 2020, 15:12 / 10 avril 2020, 9:24

Three types of the deadly coronavirus are spreading around the world – and the US is being rocked by the original strain from China.

Cambridge University researchers mapped the genetic history of the infection from December to March and found three distinct, but closely related, variants. 

Dr Peter Forster and team found the UK was mostly being bombarded with type B cases, with three quarters of samples testing as that strain. Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands were also dominated by type B © DR
The genetic history of the coronavirus was mapped from December 24 to March 4, revealing three distinct, but closely related, variants. Scientists believe the virus may be constantly mutating to overcome differing levels of immune system resistance in different populations © DR

Source : Joe Pinkstone, “There are THREE distinct strains of the novel coronavirus in the world […]”, Mail online, 09/04/2020. URL :

Information reprise et résumée en français, disponible sur CNews : “Il y aurait trois souches distinctes du coronavirus en circulation dans le monde”, CNews, 11/04/2020. URL :

(articles consultés le 12/04/2020).

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indomemoires (9 avril 2020). There are THREE distinct strains of the novel coronavirus in the world and while China’s epidemic was driven by an early mutation that quickly spread in the UK, the US is suffering from an original variation. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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