[Japon] Tokyo raises coronavirus alert level to highest as infections resurge
Auteur : rédaction de Kyodo News.
Production : Kyodo News / 共同通信社, agence de presse au Japon depuis 1945.
Diffusion : site de Kyodo News Plus (en anglais).
Date : 15 juillet 2020
Tokyo on Wednesday raised its alert over the coronavirus pandemic to its highest level following recent upticks in infections in the capital, adding to signs that Japan is facing a resurgence of the virus after lifting the state of emergency in May.
Source : Kyodo News, « Tokyo raises coronavirus alert level to highest as infections resurge », Kyodo News Plus, 15/07/2020. URL : https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/07/8befabada678-tokyo-reports-165-new-coronavirus-cases-below-200-for-3rd-day.html (consulté le 15/07/2020)
Photo « à la une » : Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike speaks at a meeting of a panel of experts tasked with monitoring the coronavirus situation in the Japanese capital held at the metropolitan government’s headquarters on July 15, 2020. Tokyo raised its coronavirus warning to the highest of four levels later in the day following a surge in the number of new infections. © Kyodo
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IAOdocJ (15 juillet 2020). [Japon] Tokyo raises coronavirus alert level to highest as infections resurge. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n7g8