[Chine] Women workers on the frontline in the battle against the coronavirus
Auteur : China Labour Bulletin
Production : China Labour Bulletin is a non-governmental organization based in Hong Kong that supports and actively engages with the workers’ movement in China.
Diffusion : site de China Labour Bulletin
Date : 5 mars 2020
The majority of medical staff in China’s hospitals are women, and during the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak, it has been women who have been at the forefront of the battle to contain the epidemic.
Source : “Women workers on the frontline in the battle against the coronavirus”, China Labour Bulletin, 05/03/2020. URL : https://clb.org.hk/content/women-workers-frontline-battle-against-coronavirus
Photo “à la une” : © China Labour Bulletin
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indomemoires (5 mars 2020). [Chine] Women workers on the frontline in the battle against the coronavirus. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n6we