[Japon] Japan’s Halfhearted Coronavirus Measures Are Working Anyway

Auteur : William Sposato. Journaliste, écrivain basé à Tokyo.

Production : Foreign Policy, FP. Magazine américain bimestriel créé en 1970, racheté par The Washington Post Company fin septembre 2009. Les thèmes centraux sont les affaires étrangères et l’économie.

Diffusion : site de FP (Foreign Policy).

Date : 14 mai 2020

Despite indifferent lockdowns and poor testing, Japan seems to be skipping the worst of the pandemic.

In its battle with the coronavirus, Japan appears to be doing everything wrong. It has tested just 0.185 percent of its population, its social distancing has been halfhearted, and a majority of Japanese are critical of the government’s response. Yet with among the lowest death rates in the world, a medical system that has avoided an overloading crisis, and a declining number of cases, everything seems to be going weirdly right.

Source : William Sposato, « Japan’s Halfhearted Coronavirus Measures Are Working Anyway », Foreign Policy Magazine, 14/05/2020. URL : https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/14/japan-coronavirus-pandemic-lockdown-testing/ (consulté le 15/05/2020)

Lire sur le même sujet :

Japan’s coronavirus response is flawed — but it works

Auteur : Andy Crump. Consultant au Medical Governance Research Institute. Professeur invité à l’université Kitasato, à l’université Keio et à l’université internationale St Luke de Tokyo. Il a auparavant travaillé pendant 15 ans comme responsable de la communication multimédia à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé.

Production : Nikkei Asian Review

Diffusion : site de Nikkei Asian Review.

Date : 14 mai 2020

Focus on clusters helps country defy grim forecasts despite missteps.

Epidemics of novel infections are inevitable — the only way to control them successfully is with an evidence-based, integrated strategy. Japan appears to be pulling this off with COVID-19, though it is not free of risks, mainly stemming from mismanagement at the local and central government levels along with unfortunate behavior among some health care workers.

Source : Andy Crump, « Japan’s coronavirus response is flawed — but it works », Nikkei Asian Review, 14/05/2020. URL : https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Japan-s-coronavirus-response-is-flawed-but-it-works (consulté le 15/05/2020)

Photo « à la une » : Medical workers prepare to screen potential coronavirus patients at Kawakita General Hospital in Tokyo in mid-April. © Getty Images

Citer ce billet
IAOdocJ (2020, 14 mai). [Japon] Japan’s Halfhearted Coronavirus Measures Are Working Anyway. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 18 avril 2024, à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n78h

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