[Japon] Serait-il possible d’organiser les Jeux Olympiques en 2021 à Tokyo ?
Production : Reuters, agence de presse mondiale et généraliste fondée en 1851 à Londres.
Diffusion : site de Reuters
Mardi 28 avril, le président de l’Association Japonaise de Médecine (JMA), Yokokura Yoshitake, a estimé en conférence de presse qu’il serait difficile d’organiser les Jeux Olympiques en 2021 en l’absence d’un vaccin fiable pour le nouveau coronavirus.
Japan must keep state of emergency, 2021 Olympics ‘difficult,’ top doctor says
Auteur : rédaction de Reuters (Reporting by Rocky Swift and Tim Kelly; Editing by Richard Pullin and Clarence Fernandez)
Date : 28 avril 2020
It is too early to consider lifting Japan’s state of emergency over the coronavirus, the head of a powerful physicians’ lobby said on Tuesday, adding that Tokyo would find it tough to host next year’s Olympics without an effective vaccine.
Source : « Japan must keep state of emergency, 2021 Olympics ‘difficult,’ top doctor says », Reuters, 28/04/2020. URL :https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan/japan-must-keep-state-of-emergency-2021-olympics-difficult-top-doctor-says-idUSKCN22A02E (consulté le 30/04/2020)
Mercredi 29 avril, le vice-président du Comité Olympique International (IOC), John Coates, a réagi en estimant que le développement d’un vaccin et les JO n’étaient pas liés, et a jugé que la déclaration de Yokokura n’était qu’une opinion personnelle.
IOC’s Coates says Tokyo Games not contingent on COVID-19 vaccine
Auteur : rédaction de Reuters (Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by Himani Sarkar)
Date : 29 avril 2020
The Tokyo Olympics are not contingent on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus, International Olympic Committee member John Coates said on Wednesday. His comments come after the president of the Japan Medical Association (JMA), a powerful physicians’ lobby, said on Tuesday it would be “difficult” for Japan to host the already postponed Games in 2021 without an effective COVID-19 vaccine.
Source : « IOC’s Coates says Tokyo Games not contingent on COVID-19 vaccine », Reuters, 29/04/2020. URL : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-olympics-coates/iocs-coates-says-tokyo-games-not-contingent-on-covid-19-vaccine-idUSKCN22B0Q2 (consulté le 30/04/2020)
Japan’s Abe says cannot hold Olympics unless pandemic contained
Auteur : Leika Kihara (Reporting by Leika Kihara; Additional reporting by Ossian Shine in London and Chris Gallagher in Tokyo; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman, Alexander Smith and Hugh Lawson)
Date : 29 avril 2020
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Wednesday that the Tokyo Olympics could not take place next year unless the coronavirus pandemic is contained, as the city’s governor called for an extension of the nationwide state of emergency.
Source : « Japan’s Abe says cannot hold Olympics unless pandemic contained », Reuters, 29/04/2020. URL : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan-olympics/japans-abe-says-cannot-hold-olympics-unless-pandemic-contained-idUSKCN22B0QR (consulté le 30/04/2020)
Photo « à la une » : Tokyo Olympics ‘difficult’ to host without vaccine, top doctor in Japan says. © Reuters
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IAOdocJ (30 avril 2020). [Japon] Serait-il possible d’organiser les Jeux Olympiques en 2021 à Tokyo ? Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n75f