[Japon] Uncertainties about Japan’s COVID-19 data
Auteur : Azby Brown. https://azbybrown.com/ Artist, designer, author. Founder of the KIT Future Design Institute in Tokyo. Lead researcher of SAFECAST.
Production : Safecast. Organisation internationale à but non lucratif dirigée par des bénévoles, dont le but est de créer des données environnementales utiles, accessibles.
Diffusion : site de Safecast (Safecast news)
Date : 28 avril 2020
In our earlier posts (here and here) we tried to clarify the actual policies being implemented in Japan with regard to COVID-19 testing. We pointed out inconsistencies and other official data issues that make it difficult for the public to get a good grasp of the actual number of tests being done and how many people are probably infected now.
Source : Azby Brown, « Uncertainties about Japan’s COVID-19 data », News – Safecast, 28/04/2020 URL :https://safecast.org/2020/04/uncertainties-about-japans-covid-19-data/ (consulté le 29/04/2020)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
IAOdocJ (28 avril 2020). [Japon] Uncertainties about Japan’s COVID-19 data. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n74y