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[Japon] ‘Minashi yōsei’ and other recent pandemic-related terms

Auteur : Yaeko Kabe. Contributing writer de The Japan Times.

Production : The Japan Times

Diffusion : site de The Japan Times

Date : 4 février 2022

While medical terms used to simply be a category of vocabulary that only the most advanced Japanese-language students would learn, these days they are hard to avoid. Being able to identify such words and phrases in newspaper headlines or government reports can help you get a better understanding of what is going on with the pandemic.

Source : Yaeko Kabe, « ‘Minashi yōsei’ and other recent pandemic-related terms », The Japan Times, 04/02/2022. URL : (consulté le 04/02/2022)

Voir également :

Source : Yaeko Kabe, « Finding the words for letting others know you may have COVID-19 », The Japan Times, 04/02/2022. URL : (consulté le 04/02/2022)

Photo « à la une » : A large screen in Tokyo’s Shibuya area displays news that the daily number of new coronavirus cases exceeded 90,000 in Japan for the first time on Feb. 2. © KYODO

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IAOdocJ (4 février 2022). [Japon] ‘Minashi yōsei’ and other recent pandemic-related terms. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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