[Japon] COVID-19 state of emergency to end on Sept. 30 for 19 prefectures
Auteurs : rédaction de The Asahi Shimbun
Production : The Asahi Shimbun
Diffusion : site anglais de Asahi shimbun, The Asahi Shimbun Asia&Japan Watch
Date : 9 septembre 2021
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s administration gave its final approval on Sept. 9 for extending the current state of emergency declared over the latest phase of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Source : « COVID-19 state of emergency to end on Sept. 30 for 19 prefectures », The Asahi Shimbun, 09/09/2021. URL : https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14437035 (consulté le 09/09/2021)
Voir également :
Kyodo, « Japan extends COVID emergency again, lays out plan for lifting curbs », The Mainichi, 09/09/2021. URL : https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210909/p2g/00m/0na/026000c (consulté le 09/09/2021)
Photo « à la une » : Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga speaks at a Sept. 9 government task force meeting where the decision was made to extend the COVID-19 state of emergency until Sept. 30. (Koichi Ueda, Asahi Shimbun)
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IAOdocJ (9 septembre 2021). [Japon] COVID-19 state of emergency to end on Sept. 30 for 19 prefectures. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n89k