[Japon] Demand among youths outstrips supply at vaccine site in Shibuya
Auteurs : Keita Yamaguchi, Staff Writer de The Asahi Shimbun
Production : The Asahi Shimbun
Diffusion : site anglais de Asahi shimbun, The Asahi Shimbun Asia&Japan Watch
Date : 27 août 2021
Young people standing in a long line is a common sight in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, but this time they weren’t waiting to buy concert tickets or a trendy new beverage. Instead, they were waiting at a special COVID-19 vaccination center set up for young people by the Tokyo metropolitan government on Aug. 27.
Source : Keita Yamaguchi, « Demand among youths outstrips supply at vaccine site in Shibuya », The Asahi Shimbun, 27/08/2021. URL : https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14427453 (consulté le 29/08/2021)
Voir également :
Ryusei Takahashi, « Shibuya youth vaccine site overwhelmed on opening day », The Japan Times, 27/08/2021. URL : https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/08/27/national/shibuya-youth-vaccination-site-launch/ (consulté le 29/08/2021)
Kyodo, « Walk-in vaccination site in Tokyo continues to see surge of people hoping to get shots », The Japan Times, 28/08/2021. URL : https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/08/28/national/tokyo-shibuya-vaccine-site/ (consulté le 29/08/2021)
Photo « à la une » : Staff respond to visitors in front of the vaccination center for young people in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward on Aug. 27. (Wataru Sekiya)
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IAOdocJ (27 août 2021). [Japon] Demand among youths outstrips supply at vaccine site in Shibuya. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n89b