Report: US battle against COVID-19 is a failure
Auteur : Zhao Ruinan
Production : China Daily, un quotidien chinois en anglais. Il fut fondé en 1981 et est le plus important des journaux en anglais du pays, avec un tirage de 200 000 exemplaires.
Diffusion : Le site China Daily (
Date et heure : 10 août 2021, 07:03
The report, “‘America Ranked First’?! The Truth about America’s Fight against COVID-19”, said the US has not only disrupted global efforts to fight the coronavirus, but also cast US citizens into a deepening “crisis”, with the country now facing a fourth wave of infections and a new high in confirmed cases.
Source : Zhao Ruinan, “Report: US battle against COVID-19 is a failure”, China Daily, 10/08/2021. URL : (consulté le 11/08/2021).
Le rapport en référence :
““America Ranked First”?! The Truth about America’s fight against COVID-19”, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, 10/08/2021. URL : (consulté le 11/08/2021). [PDF]
Photo “à la une” : Lila Blanks holds the casket of her husband, Gregory Blanks, 50, who died of COVID-19, ahead of his funeral in San Felipe, Texas, Jan 26, 2021. © Photo/Agencies
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