[Japon] Japan gov’t to stop accepting applications for workplace COVID-19 vaccinations
Auteur : Akiko Kato and Kazuhiko Hori, The Mainichi, Political News Department
Production : The Mainichi
Diffusion : site anglais de Mainichi shimbun, The Mainichi, Japan’s national daily since 1922
Date : 30 juin 2021
TOKYO — The Japanese government decided on June 29 that it will stop accepting new applications for workplace COVID-19 vaccinations as there are no prospects of obtaining further supplies of the Moderna vaccine.
Source : Akiko Kato and Kazuhiko Hori, « Japan gov’t to stop accepting applications for workplace COVID-19 vaccinations », The Mainichi, 30/06/2021. URL : https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210630/p2a/00m/0na/002000c (consulté le 30/06/2021)
Version japonaise : « 政府、職域接種の新規申請受け付け中止へ モデルナ製供給めど立たず », デジタル毎日, 29/06/2021. URL : https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210629/k00/00m/040/475000c (consulté le 30/06/2021)
Photo « à la une » : This photo shows a syringe filled with a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Moderna at a state-run mass vaccination center at the Osaka International Convention Center in Kita Ward, Osaka, on May 24, 2021. (Pool photo)
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IAOdocJ (30 juin 2021). [Japon] Japan gov’t to stop accepting applications for workplace COVID-19 vaccinations. Asie Orientale et Coronavirus. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n86k